subota, 19. srpnja 2014.

Dernier ete en Yougoslavie

" Zadnje ljeto u Jugoslaviji "
  I received this book as a gift. Big, big recommendation.

nedjelja, 13. srpnja 2014.

Bijeg u pobjedu

I ja ću danas gledati nogomet.
Malo nostalgije uz "Escape to victory" koji opisuje događaje 1940 i neke, a neke bitne razlike sa stvarnošću iz 2014 i nema.

Ali najzanimljiviji od svega jest podatak preuzet sa IMDBa :

" The movie was inspired by an actual series of games in Kiev, during the German occupation of the city. Several members of Dynamo Kiev, the top soccer team in Ukraine, found work in a bakery. There they formed a soccer team with other bakery employees. They began playing in a new league against teams supported by the Ukranian puppet government and German military. After they beat a team from a local German Air Force base, the league was disbanded and several of the team members arrested by the Gestapo and four were executed."

Ponavljam se, ali bitne razlike sa današnjicom uistinu nema.

A jedan od scenarista je Djordje Milicevic.
Mnogo dobar film.